16th of May - Conference Day 2


The Future of Software Development
  • Jonathan Harel

Die Hard - Defeating a Java compiler bug IS an Xmas story
  • Przemek Bielicki

High performance Serverless Java on AWS
  • Vadym Kazulkin

Breaking the Spring Framework's code: annotation's witchcraft
  • Paweł Kowalski

Coffee Break

The best time to talk with speakers and attendees

There is –module-path beyond –class-path!
  • Jaroslav Tulach

  • Pavel Marek

Pain-free Functional Programming with Java 21
  • Jacek Kunicki

Bootiful Kubernetes Operators
  • Ties van de Ven

  • Tiffany Jernigan

Is your JVM app flying blind? Unmask hidden issues with Observability superpowers!
  • Marcin Grzejszczak

Coffee Break

The best time to talk with speakers and attendees

Hands-on-lab: It's all about going hands-on with Generative AI!
  • Abdel Sghiouar

How to build distributed concurrency primitives
  • Andrii Rodionov

You Too Can Do Threat Modeling
  • Grzegorz Milka

The Story of BASIC
  • Jarek Ratajski

Lunch - Room 2 (VEGE)

VEGAN *Delicate vegetable curry with tofu on jasmine rice

Lunch - Room 3

Penne Bolognese + salad

Lunch - Room 5

*Roasted turkey in cherries + rice + salad

Containerless, Bloatless, YAML-less, Serverless Java #slideless
  • Adam Bien

The Emperor Has No Docs
  • Ignasi Marimon-Clos i Sunyol

Communication for Developers: estimates, code reviews, and other hard problems
  • Wojciech Pituła

Breaking Chains: Confronting Common Productivity Hurdles in Modern Software Development
  • Anton Keks

Coffee Break

The best time to talk with speakers and attendees

Virtual threads - no pain, no gain
  • Martin Stefanko

From Days to Hours: How EventStorming Transformed Our Domain Modeling Process
  • Vadzim Prudnikau

Performance tests and other lies
  • Jarosław Pałka

  • Michał Jonko

The Hacker’s Guide to Insecure Workload Configuration in Kubernetes
  • Patrycja Wegrzynowicz

Coffee Break

The best time to talk with speakers and attendees

Let's Learn to Identify Technical Requirements for Better Design
  • Philippe Duval

  • Alexandre Touret

Dissecting serverless runtimes - from functions to databases
  • Jakub Marchwicki

How sand and Java are used to create the world’s most powerful chips
  • Johan Janssen

LLM—Search Engine Killer?
  • Zbyszko Papierski

Coffee Break

The best time to talk with speakers and attendees

Demystifying Java Virtual Threads - lessons learned from adding them to GlassFish
  • Ondro Mihalyi

Java on AWS - all the details that matter
  • Sebastian Gebski

"Who cares about speed?"
  • Rafal Foltynski

Quarkus meets AI: Developing AI applications in Java with Quarkus and Langchain4j
  • Jan Martiška

Coffee Break

The best time to talk with speakers and attendees

mayAI? - Exploring Graphical Tools for Model Visualization and Enhancement
  • Sergei Kurnevich

  • Sergiu Ilie

Continuous Improvements of The Code Review Process
  • Keren Kenzi

Embracing Interface-Driven Design: Coding in the AI Era
  • Tomas Rehak

Kommandos vs Scouts – different style of development
  • Bartłomiej Kuczyński

Party and Open Spaces sponsored by Clari

HEVRE, Meiselsa 18 Street